Friday 4 October 2013

Dragonflies & butterflies

Last week, some friends of mine came over for a nail night. I got no photos. So clever! I will tell you that I painted my nails 3 times, and the sheer amount of polish on the table made me woozy.

One of them, Screaming Mama, gave me some nail stickers. I had a play on Sunday night.
I had a plan. Base of white, with my Revlon pastel shades-Mint and Cloud-alternating. That didn't work. It looked dumb. Ok, that's fine. Remove. New plan! White base, with a couple of Kleancolors. Nope. At this point, I had been painting my nails for over an hour. The white (Sinful Colors-Snow Me White) is thick, and takes ages to dry properly, and I had done 2 of my nails 3 times. So, once again. White base-bearing in mind I had repairs to do on my other hand, thanks to remover-and I chose colours that didn't need a white base, though they got one. Sinful Colors Exotic Green, and LA Colors 17. Jeebus. What a pain. I then had to wait for that to dry.
Finally, I added the stickers. I got them on fine, and then HATED my mani. I had to laugh at myself. I grabbed a dotting tool and put some wee flight trail type things on there. Much improved!

I am about to remove this mani, and play with some new polish.

A good friend of mine was away last weekend, and I took care of her lovely old rats. She returned with gifts of polish! They are both super pretty. Both are nameless.

Beautiful, yes? The glitter topper has stars in it. I had forgotten until I swatched it, and several came out.

The last couple days, I have felt awful. Snot, headache, aching everywhere, and a cough that SUCKS. I cough to the point of retching, which leads to gagging, and has twice lead to a lovely vom. MMmmmMMMmm. So, despite being broke as a broke thing, I bought polish today. I needed a pick-me-up. I probably can't afford petrol now, but hey! Shit happens, and work is just 3km away. I should probably walk anyway, especially at this time of year.
Here are the new pretties.

Nice, huh? I know I have said in a previous post that boe stinks, and it's still true. However-the colours are nice. I'll just open a window, or something. Actually, maybe it'll help clear my sinuses.
I am now going to try water marbling. I have had the water sitting for a couple hours, so the temperature should be fine. I have tape, vaseline, everything ready. I'm not sure I'll pull it off, but I won't know unless I try.
At this point, I'll be going for a single accent nail.
WIsh me luck!